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Opening Hours

Mon - Sat 2.30am - 5.00pm

Call Us Now

7960 / +251-114-671818

Service Hours

24/7 - Head Office

Turning Science to Care!


Mission Statement

To contribute to the maintenance and enhancement of the quality of life by encompassing a system of human and physical resources designed to meet the changing health care needs of the population we serves.


እያደገ በሚሄደው የሕብረተሰባችን የጤና አገልግሎት ፍላጎት ውስጥ ቁሳዊና የሰዉ ሀብትን ባቀናጀ አሠራር የመልካም አስተዳደር ስርዓትን ለማሻሻልና ለማሳደግ አስተዋፅኦ ማድረግ

Vision Statement

We aspire to be the best diagnostic laboratory in Africa and provide excellent world class quality Service.


እያደገ በሚሄደው የሕብረተሰባችን የጤና አገልግሎት ፍላጎት ውስጥ ቁሳዊና የሰዉ ሀብትን ባቀናጀ አሠራር የመልካም አስተዳደር ስርዓትን ለማሻሻልና ለማሳደግ አስተዋፅኦ ማድረግ

Core Values

Customer-Focus: Our customers are at the heart of everything we do, with which we build lasting and collaborative relationships.

Integrity: At the heart of our work is doing what's right for customers and employees through unwavering commitment to honesty, loyalty, transparency and accountability.

Quality: We are determined to excellent service exceeding expectations.

Professionalism: We are identified by our commitment to teamwork, altruism, respect, confidentiality, and innovation in all our endeavors.

Safety: We value human life and health above all else and take action accordingly to maintain the safety of our workplaces and services.

ICL has the following departments:

  • Department of Hematology
  • Department of Serology
  • Department of Chemistry
  • Department of Immunology
  • Department of Microbiology and Molecular Diagnostics
  • Department of Histocytology
  • Referrals section